Everyone the ball is TOMMOROW, I'm sorry I didn't inform you sooner, but I'm informing you know! I set up a bunch of activities, and I hope all of you can make it :D
I won't be there the entire time, so I hope all of you stay on schedule, but if you don't I don't really care X3
Throughout the whole thing these shops will be open (except when the owners decide to take breaks X3)
The ball will start at 5 central time tommorow. (which is new years, so I hope you're not all busy)
The Bakery
Tha Blacksmith's
The Toy store (Zoey Sierra I was hoping you could run this shop ;3)
We'll also have tons of activities!
The stage is located down stairs. First of all it will be taken up by warlocks from 5:00 to 5:20 performing magic tricks, and what not.
After that there will be a poetry smack down! from 5:25 to 6:00 where citizens can enter their poetry in a wonderful little competition (we'll pick three judges, the prize is a summer carnival plushie)
After that you can rent the stage for whatever you want!
Now in the main room it's a free for all! Betting, trading, chatting, and dancing, whatever you want! We also have a fighting arena to practice your "skills" This will be open through the entire ball ;3
On another note, there is also a nice little area to view sculptures, and chat.
And while the whole thing is going on, I don't mind a few twists, and turns, keep that in mind ;3