Sunday, June 30, 2013

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry I'm leaving you all to deal with haters, and drama, and just... just all of this.
I'm sorry, I'm leaving you with Celestial Towers when it's broken, and bent, and twisted.
I'm sorry, I'm leaving.
I'm sorry I'm being a wimp, and won't stay because I'm too LAZY and SELFISH to deal with it.
I will miss you all, but I can't say I care what you do with the kingdom because I'm done with it. I can't handle it. It's not as easy as I thought it would be, and for that reason I'm not going to stay.
Heck, I might not even stay on Animal Jam.
I'm sorry.
I really am, and I don't want you to think that I don't care about you.
I also don't want you to respect me, because I'm not a respectable girl.
I'm a failure.
I'm not some kind of wise queen.
My persona in the kingdom may be, but that isn't me.
So I know some old English, and can dress up a virtual fox in a sparking crown.
That doesn't make me smart.
Or regal.
Or anything.
I ruin everything.
So for that I'm sorry.
Oh, and to all the haters. Back the Bleep off my citizens, they're the Bleep. The Bleeping  Bleep, and I love them to death. They aren't "losers," and if they are I hope we can be losers together.
Because I don't want to live in a world where they don't exist.
And I can't comprehend why you would, because they are the most hilarious, kind, fun, creative, and exciting people you can find a kids' website.
And I'm the worst.
So for them to deal with me this long should automatically give them some sort of certificate.
P.s From Zoey Sorry I just don't like cussing so I improvised! Hope no one feels offended by it.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Updates and Stuff

First we start with the least important things: today's my birthday and my story blog.

Now Jake's post. The way I see it, we really love you as our queen, Peppy, and just because she hasn't been active that much doesn't mean that we should dethrone her. I mean, look, it's summer, and everyone's going on vacation and stuff. But if she is super intent on giving up on being our queen, then what can we do?

And yikes. The kingdom looks to be falling apart. When I get home, I'm going to do something MAJOR about it.


I guess this is it.

I'm going to be leaving for like a month but maybe forever. Because of a hater, on my latest post this person said a comment and another one said what Willow said on Google+ I didn't read it, it was to long XD. But how did I make Willow quit? I said I hated her cause I was mad but then right after said sorry, I admit. Can we forget about them a move on? Well I think we can't cause we keep going back. Anyway, Violet is the only royal standing so good job. <3 And my brother told me to listen to this song now I can't get it out of my head O3O

The guy creeps me out, but anyway.. If you see me on chatroll its because I'm talking to my, "bff-les" cause they're never on AJ. And Molly has been in the hospital for the last month her parents called to say if I was wondering, and I was cause she was never at school. But why was she in? O_O And she won't be on AJ or chatroll that much.. anyway, bye guys see you like I don't know..


Friday, June 28, 2013



And that includes dethroning me, considering how poorly I've been acting as your queen. In fact, I've been thinking of giving power over the kingdom to someone else... 



Thursday, June 27, 2013

See You In Two Weeks~

Hi Everyone! Or should I say... Goodbye everyone! Im leaving for vacation tomorrow and we are going to be on vacation for two weeks and my dad is being very strict about no computers so I wont be active at all. (Well probably NOT AT ALL). Except I might be doing stuff on the flight on the computer- since we might have wifi. But otherwise... Bon Voyage! ^^ Im going to be gone for two weeks so don't do anything big while im gone ;)


(Also read Jake's post below)


Hey guys Jake here, so today school ended! Pretty exciting so anyway, I'm here to say that I'm going to be probably unactive cause my mum said I cant be on the computer in the summer so I'll only be on at my grandparents, and dads house. Short post XD, okay bye!


Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Hey guys... how are you doing on adventures? My highest animal- arctic wolf- is on level 4. The highest level ive ever seen is level 12. Has anyone see higher? What level are you on?
Do you think this Thursday they will release more adventures! I hope so! And maybe it will become non-beta!

Just checkin' in! ;)


I'm Not Dead!

I'm not dead! Just on vacation! It's almost over, and my birthday is THIS SATURDAY! Turning 14!

I'm currently working on a story called "Silent Songs and Golden Wings." If you've read Misty Wings... let's just say it is a Misty Wings story.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Hello fellow citizens! *Jumps up and down* I think the quest is coming! Cause Animal Jam is offline and look what I found! *Points to video* whos up for it? Wanna do it together? :3 It will be just like a ball when everyone comes. Its alright if you wanna do it alone or think about a time- Wait this post mostly meant nothing cause when it comes out you're gonna rush to do it .3. Will you do it over again? =-= Alright, bye guys!


Friday, June 14, 2013


Hello fellow citizens! We kinda have a call of for the ball... :( I'm sorry! Its only that a couple of people could come! Lets all think this out and agree on a time that would be good for everyone, if you can't come when it starts that alright. I've came to a lot of balls later. Alright short post! Bye!

*JakeRoil* I made the J and R bold for some reason :) Bye and sorry

Thursday, June 13, 2013

I Don't Care+Comment If You Can Help

I DON'T CARE!!!!! Guys, I'm having a ball. I don't care if Peppy isn't calling it but- Guys when was the last ball you may ask?

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Everyone the ball is TOMMOROW, I'm sorry I didn't inform you sooner, but I'm informing you know! I set up a bunch of activities, and I hope all of you can make it :D
I won't be there the entire time, so I hope all of you stay on schedule, but if you don't I don't really care X3
Throughout the whole thing these shops will be open (except when the owners decide to take breaks X3)
The ball will start at 5 central time tommorow. (which is new years, so I hope you're not all busy)

Yes... is that on January First? (Guys I'm sorry but I think this is the latest ball we've had, just flipped through the posts til I saw ball) Okay guys... PLEASE PLEASE. All of you lets make a time hmm.... Friday *tomorrow* 7 central? A.K.A 8 eastern? Sorry if this is so late but guys comment away if you want to help and if you'd like to come, at Peppy's den and yeah.. It'll be a nice ball and a good-bye to our problems.. EHH-EHH. NO MORE FIGHTS NUH-UH-UH. You know when it was a good time period when the kingdom was like in... Feb or Jan. That was a great time period than after that it got all tipsy-woo O3O And guys, btw I'm going to NYC for my birthday (Even though its not in a  month I just wanted to tell you) to visit my uncle and I'll be unactive for like 1-2 weeks ALRIGHT? And I have 9 days left of school!!!!!!!!! :D My sister told me something weird her class danced and a boy said he liked her 030 

*JakeRoil* remember that old signature? :3
 Please come tomorrow! :) COME OR...... OR... UMM... JUST COME! D:< 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Rollplay? 030

*takes deep breath* I am proud to present our newest rollplay idea, which I hope can be carried on. The last rollplay I can remember was Fuzzy's wedding- which wasn't really a rollplay, and ended up starting the prophecy (I think). So now I think we should have a rollplay to end the prophecy.
Recently, as Violet was sneaking through the forest, she came across and old building. Taking a look inside, she realized that it was an abandoned library. She took some time to search through the books that were intact and found a hidden scroll inside one of them. Reading it, she realized it was another prophecy. Scared, but intrigued, she continued reading...

She stared at it and held it tight in her paws, not sure what to do now. She wasn't even sure if it was a prophecy. She ran back to the kingdom to find someone to help her to decide what it meant.

Entering the streets of the town she lowered her head and tried not to get noticed. But it wasn't easy when you were part of the royal family. She hit someone straight on and crumpled to the ground, dropping the scroll. She quickly picked it up and gained her balance. Standing up, she looked at the person who had hit her. It was... (Continue this in the comments below. Act like its a rollplay. If you continue it, write CONTINUED at the top of your comment. Please make sure your character is fit to tell violet what the scroll means.)

~Violet Roil

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sorry and Bye

Hey guys, i'm sorry for posting this but Erin said don't post a picture of her as a "girly girl" so I just had too. Then Victorypaw got me posing as a little girl in our roleplay
I'm sorry its SOOOOO small but Erin made it her chat picture and I had to copy it :L
Also Victory, we will all miss you PLEASE PLEASE DON'T QUIT!!


Fair Well

*waves* Hello Everyone! It's me, Victory. I have some bad news. I am stepping down from my duties in celestial towers. My explanation? I'm just not on Animal Jam very much these days. I'll be sure to visit you all time to time, but for now Fair Well.

P.S. Be sure to read the post bellow 

~Victory Paw

Oh and jake wanted me to post this -.-

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Hey guys, I just wanted to say.. COMMENT IF YOU WANT WILLOW AND ALICE BACK. I would like to see at least 20+ comments cause we have a lot more then that. Last night I begged Willow to come on chat, And I was talking to her and I said give me 3 reasons you can come back.. they were like to much drama and hate, and yeah I copied them but copied something over so I don't have them. I'm sorry for saying I hate you its just I get very ticked off, I'm sorry I'm telling your reasons but- reason 3 was I will never forgive Oak. What did Oakfire do?! Stand up for her sister, yeah she did that! What if Maple was being bullied so she bullied them back!? Exactly. Okay fine I will break it to you. We have lost 5 citizens! Not 4. 5. I told Molly at school Willow and Alice quit and she was like crying O_O I don't know why maybe she doesn't like it when people quit, or she was close to Willow and Alice. Anyway, she quit cause of that. But guys comment if you want Willow and Alice back cause I wanted to prove to Willow, she said if you quit you can't EVER come back. I quit AJ for 5 months, yes, and I'm back on .-. And if somebody would be nice (I'm not a admin) make a poll saying, "Do you want Willow and Alice back" answers, "No. Yes. Dunno." See if like 20+ say they should come back, they should, if you quit of course you can come back! Lets look through the old posts, all the things saying Jake quitting. LOOK AT ME I'M BACK, I NEVER QUIT. Well when it first started I took a break for like a week saying I was at my grandma's O3O Anyway, I would like to prove to them they can come back cause that is just stupid. I'm sorry Willow but I think your reasons are stupid. (Don't get mad. Its what I think.) AHRGHHHHHHHH SIODNOFNGGF ND COME BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK DIDN9T9R8NTODMSKDMDLD! (A bunch of angry numbers.) 
A picture for our dear Alice O3O Alright, thanks for wasting minutes of your life reading this :D Bye!
~Jake Roil

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Journey Has Come To A End

Hello guys! Hawkspirit here! The journey ends today, I know we only did 5 or 6 (I forget)  journey posts, I was planning on to do like 11... Anyway, I said the witch turned me evil. Well I cured that so I am fine now. We didn't get to stop the prophecy.. Heres some reasons.

1. I didn't make any more posts because I was gone with ideas

2. Didn't want to post, because there was important ones

And me and Shadowfur are dating O3O Alright, sorry for wasting your time... me and Oakfire are sorry cause we still don't know what lays ahead to this horrible prophecy... worse stuff is coming. Don't think its over... not yet...


Friday, June 7, 2013


Well... I just wanted to say im sorry about getting so mad yesterday. Its not that I take back anything I said, but I forgive willow and such. I just hope you guys aren't mad at me. I was expressing my feelings. :)
Willow and Alice- im so sad you left and we will always remember you. <3
I never could have imagined any of this happening in this kingdom- its like a bad dream that never ends. Im not blaming anyone- I just wanted to say that.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

I'm Settling Things Right Now

Willow, you asked for this so I'm giving it to you.

1. Poppy, and only Poppy, please read this sweet and kind letter please. :)

Dearest Poppy,

2. Alice and Willow, here is a letter for you two.

My most dearest friends,
   We all wish for you to come back and join our kingdom once again. As little as we ever talked, you always made me laugh even though I sprained my wrist and broke my leg. You both taught me it's okay to feel bad at some points, but I can't let that person take my friends and family away. Yes, were family, and family always stays together. So even if you do leave, you will be gone, but not forgotten.

3. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, read the posts below everyone. PLEASE!!!

Sincerely, Erica P. Grindle

Willow's Reasons, Drama, and Suspended

To start this off, I am a neutral party for most everything. I believe the less of my opinions I share, the less arguments I will be involved in, but with the recent chaos in the kingdom I have no room to simply brush it off, and believe it will magically solve itself. It's already gone too far, what with Alice, and Willow quitting. So I'm not neutral.
I love all of you, I hope you know that, but you can't fight like this. I started this kingdom for fun, nothing but. I know it may hurt to hear this, but sometimes your opinions are irrelevant, if you think there is the slightest chance your biases will hurt someone, you better zip your lips.
You don't need to judge others because you're a little different, because you disagree with them. It's wrong.
And if somebody quits, it's not a joke.
It's no laughing matter.
They were this hurt in the kingdom to want to never come back.
I don't want this kingdom to be a place where people get hurt, where people can't feel safe, because that's not what this was. We didn't all agree in the beginning, but we compromised. 
I'm okay with innovation in the kingdom, in fact I encourage it, but your personal opinions ARE irrelevant. It doesn't mean you can't share them with your friends, it doesn't mean you can't agree, or disagree with others, it means it shouldn't effect the way other people feel about, or treat you in the kingdom.
If you disagree with someone, you don't need to tell them, and if you are planning on doing so at least say it kindly. You don't need to point out everything you don't like about them. 
I was planning on going back on my main account today, but it's been suspended because of my jerk of a friend =.= He wanted to to test out some, uh... colorful... new words. 
I'll be back on it soon, I can't leave you all.
Now, pertaining to Alice, and Willow quitting, Willow's composed a video spilling her completely RELEVANT feelings. I know I've said the majority of opinions are irrelevant, but in her video, she talks about the way she was treated, and how ridiculous the kingdom's becoming. I don't want anyone else to go through this, I don't want anyone else to have to deal with the drama. 

I don't have anything else to say because I think Willow's video says it all.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Fill me in, discovering, and diamonds

Ok, so first of all I don't know if you guys have noticed, but I haven't been very active lately. In fact, I have pretty much barely been active at all. This will probably continue for a while. I just don't seem to go on this blog anymore, not that I don't like it, its just not what it used to be. And theres no rollplay, and all that happens lately is fights. Im not saying I have nothing to do with this, its just that I am annoyed. But I just wanted to say that I probably wont be very active, but I dunno. Maybe I will be active.

Also, can someone fill me in PLEASE on whats happened in like the past week? So I keep seeing comments that I am so confused. Did Willow and Alice quit!? And something about peppy leaving? Can someone please just give me a huge catchup on whats happened lately? Thanks. I really need to know whats been happening. I read jake's post and that helped a lot (thanks Jake). And so i know what he said on his post but is there anything that has happened lately that i should know? And i agree with everything he said on there and he had been here since the beginning too and what he said in his post is completely true. Actually, I had the idea for someone who is very active to have a page where they post everything that's happened lately. Like thehy write if someones quit, or if some big event has happened, or such. Or everyone could post on there.

Also, I felt like telling you guys how I found out about CT. Like how I learned about it before it pretty much even started. Well, you see, I was on youtube. And I was looking at animal jam videos. Not music videos, but like movies. Well I was thinking to myself 'I want to be in a aj movie' and so I looked on youtube for aj movies auditions. That's when I found Peppy's monster video coming up. I immediately went to her blog and in no time I was in her video! I followed her blog for some time after that and eventually she posted about the kingdom. I think I was the second of third citizen to apply and I am sort of proud of myself that all I have gone through in CT, considering I knew what it was like at the beginning, I haven't quit yet. Every time I just think to myself that I have had so much fun at this kingdom and I just cant quit. But that doesn't mean I wont quit... not that im nesecarrily thinking about it.

Lastly, I haven't logged on to AJ for a while and I logged on today and saw the diamonds thing. It is really annoying because now tail armor and arctic wolves and snow leopards are no longer rare and cool.. you can just buy them. Also, do they even do member gifts anymore! I didn't get a june one, unless diamonds count.

I just want to say that stay strong people. Don't let other people quitting make you quit. Me and Jake haven't quit (unless Jake quit.... as I said I haven't been here lately) and we have been here since the beginning, so we have lasted the longest. Who knows, maybe the kingdom will turn around when the prophecy ends, and you will be happy you didn't quit. Just remember that. It doesn't mean you have to be active. It just simply means don't quit.

Well that's it, sorry for piling you with questions, but please answer as many as you can! :)

Let your wings carry you to new places (Like a new and better kingdom),

Vacation and Songs (EDIT: Promo)

So, just to let you know, I'm leaving! For Alaska! Summer vacation and all that. Today. Anyways, so I was just browsing around Celestial Towers and listening to my After Party album when I heard two songs (one was a remix but the song still works!!!!!!!!) perfect for our kingdom right now in its current state. (And they're both Aviators songs lawl)
One Last Letter
So? What do you think? Fitting? Or would you have chosen something different?
EDIT: Also, I was bored and decided to do this: a second Celestial Towers Promo! :D



*sigh* First Peppy, and now you guys. Why would I not be surprised if EVERYONE else left the kingdom? This is a perfect example of why we can not allow guest on chatroll anymore. Why can't you guys just ignore "Poppy" and move on? Is it so easy for some strong willed spirits like Willow and Alice's to be broken? If this drama over some little brat by the name "Poppy" goes on any longer, I'll just leave the kingdom myself. You all need to act like real admins and handle this "Poppy". If you don't handle her, I'll talk to "Poppy" myself.

Now, I'm sorry if I sound a little mean in this comment, It's just that you all need to get over it. If a little kid by the name "Poppy" can make you guys quit, imagine what she could do if she annoyed everyone in the kingdom. 

What would happen then?

Think about it.


Hey guys! Jake here :L So here are some up dates (And check Frost's post below please) 

-Hawkspirit is on the tick of staying evil forever. Yayyyyyyy! .3.

-We've lost 4 citizens this month. Yayyyyyyy! .3. 

Okay, guys the prophecy is coming true.  All of you NOW. Look back when Celestial Towers first started, remember it had no name?? Shadowfur, has quit FOREVER. Never coming back, shes quit the kingdom and AJ. Poppy has quit, "cause everyone hates her."? Alice and Willow have quit because they can't handle it. I know Willow or Alice will never look on this post, but can't you all admit Willow, Alice, and Oakfire were all like BFF? I'm sorry but Alice, Willow. You completely ditched her. Anyway, imagine back when the kingdom first started... half the citizens weren't here it was like right after Dec 25th :D 
Yay! lol, anyway, I know this will never change and if one more quits. Luckily who two more people are comin' with ya! =-= Anyway, thanks for reading this boring post.. Okay kiddies if we can't live together and make Celestial Towers what it once was! Follow this.. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My paws are frozen, but remember that history repeats...

Children, stop your silly bickering and gather 'round
As I tell a story of friends lost and found
Those days when I was small
I see you leaning in closer
Good, good, you need to hear
This story, a warning
A close-knit group, their bonds slowly breaking
That I watched fall apart.

A humble family at first 
Simple and joyous
Through each bright day and shadowy night
Through the gentle springs 
The inferno of summer
The tickling breezes of fall
And the bitter winters
And I, there from the beginning, so proud.

Growth! Growth, oh my,
Excited whispers and welcoming smiles
Each new member came 
But growth means more opinions
All different and when they clash
A fight ensues
Some easily forgiven
Some leaving scars that could never heal.

I watched and wondered
How to stop the imminent destruction
Of the feuding family
But our attempts to bring us back together
Proved to be in vain.
All we could do was watch
As the fighting grew 
And more ran out to escape the unneeded abuse.

Every day, it seemed to get worse
I clung with ridiculous hope to the family
Wishing and praying for something impossible
The soft tears I shed each time someone left,
As the tragic result of contention
Burned scars in my face
But nothing could compare 
To the scars burned in my heart.

So heed my warning, children
Fights so lightly brushed off
Growth handled improperly 
Contention growing out of control
Like a screaming demon
Tears burning scars deep within
As we wave goodbye to those we love the most
Say goodbye to your comfortable life.

If you so choose to ignore
Then watch everything and everyone you know
Crumble to dust beneath your feet...


good-bye deer friends

Uhh.... Hey guys, some... news I need to tell you... Willow and I  quit... we can't stand all that's happening and it seems we lost... a friend and we'll probably regret this but, yea... we just can't take it now, we removed ourselves from the citizens page (well I forgot to remove me .-. I accidently deleted my admin ship >.< Remove me please? .3.) so we're still on AJ and Chatlands and that stuff we just won't be in the kingdom.... so here are our good-byes:
*NOTE* Willow wants to say if Poppy wants to hurt us and break us up, she won't be a part of it. She has no desire to speak to anyone but Alice and Peppy. (And Maybe Jake) Her e-mail from earlier is off limits for kingdom e-mails and the job of admin she had can be given to whomever wants it.

 *NOTE2*: we won't be checking comments so don't even try to convince us to come back

Hawk Spirit/ Jake, Queen Peppy Roil Rainystar, Violet Roil, Silver Ratio, Frost Hart, Zoey Sierra, Glaze and Erin Hart, and Victory Paw. so guess that's it, bye.
(and check out the posts below)

Poppy has quit

Poppy has asked me to make this post for a few reasons..
And I have a few myself.
First things first:
Poppy has NOT hacked me.

The reasons Poppy wanted me to make this post are:
1. She wants to see everyone's reaction and those of the few people who care
2. Only about 7 people know she's quitting and 5 of them hate her and are HAPPY she's leaving.
I feel bad for her.
I now know how she feels.
The kingdom is becoming a place full of hate, and now some of the most trusted and innocent people in the kingdom are supporting it!
I want it to stop.
Last night, I felt very close to quitting (not giving why or names).
This kingdom can be a better place, without hating, right?
Let's all try that.
A list of stuff to make us happier :P
Nice outfit
You're a great person!
 Today is going to be wonderful!
You're awesome!
You're nice!
You're cool!
You're a good friend!
I apologize/forgive you!
(And it goes on and on and on)
If an argument/fight breaks out:
Don't continue it!
Just think of the problem, and find a good, nice way to solve it!

Monday, June 3, 2013


Peppy here, I'm giving my account to friend for the summer. He's really nice, but it won't be me.
I'm going to go on the account once a month to check on things, and make sure he isn't trading down my things.
Other than that I'll be incognito. I am a citizen in the kingdom, you just don't know who she is. She is on the citizens page, mind you. 
I'm giving leadership of the kingdom, and cottages to Willow Spirit, Alice Draco, Jake Roil, Violet Roil, Shadowfur, Oak, and my secret identity if you figure it out, goodbye for the summer.
This is more of a test to see if you fine folk can last without me for a few months, I'll miss you all, but don't worry, again I am a citizen.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Journal Post #5

Dear Journal,

I must leave Celestial Towers.. I, know its the best.... that witch I can't believe she put that evil spell on me. I'll never be able to stop the prophecy.. its all in Oakfire's hands.. I must get away as quick as possible.. I know I should, I've woken up randomly seeing dead bodies around me. I'm to dangerous... I must go...

~Hawkspirit Flame Red

                                                              (Me! lol)


Just wanted to say sorry i have not been on lately. Ill be sure to post more soon (I've been pretty busy with school work) bye for now~victory (check the posts below)

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Just thanks for those who deleted the drafts. I do realize it wasn't exactly necessary but I just thought they were just taking up space but thanks anyways I'll shut up :D


Read the post below me, it's sooo much more important!