I'm sorry I'm leaving you all to deal with haters, and drama, and just... just all of this.
I'm sorry, I'm leaving you with Celestial Towers when it's broken, and bent, and twisted.
I'm sorry, I'm leaving.
I'm sorry I'm being a wimp, and won't stay because I'm too LAZY and SELFISH to deal with it.
I will miss you all, but I can't say I care what you do with the kingdom because I'm done with it. I can't handle it. It's not as easy as I thought it would be, and for that reason I'm not going to stay.
Heck, I might not even stay on Animal Jam.
I'm sorry.
I really am, and I don't want you to think that I don't care about you.
I also don't want you to respect me, because I'm not a respectable girl.
I'm a failure.
I'm not some kind of wise queen.
My persona in the kingdom may be, but that isn't me.
So I know some old English, and can dress up a virtual fox in a sparking crown.
That doesn't make me smart.
Or regal.
Or anything.
I ruin everything.
So for that I'm sorry.
Oh, and to all the haters. Back the Bleep off my citizens, they're the Bleep. The Bleeping Bleep, and I love them to death. They aren't "losers," and if they are I hope we can be losers together.
Because I don't want to live in a world where they don't exist.
And I can't comprehend why you would, because they are the most hilarious, kind, fun, creative, and exciting people you can find a kids' website.
And I'm the worst.
So for them to deal with me this long should automatically give them some sort of certificate.
P.s From Zoey Sorry I just don't like cussing so I improvised! Hope no one feels offended by it.