Sunday, March 31, 2013


So guys... Before we cross the border to Canada I am posting a quick post. Its April fools tomorrow everyone... Don't forget! Post in the comments to this post April fools ideas you have (for real life... To give people some cool ideas...) and share April fools stories of your own! And watch your back tomorrow guys... This is the one day of the year that no matter what, YOU CANT BE GULLIBLE. I mean, its not that you can't, but you know what I mean.

one of my af (April fools) stories was when we were on vacation and my dad and brother went to see something while me and my mom and my sister waited in the car. When he got back we said that Miley Cyrus had just come but we couldn't take a picture of her because my dad had the camera! He actually believed us! (probably because he forgot it was af day.) right before he got in the car to chase after her me and my mom shouted "April fools!"

make sure not to remind your family that tomorrow is April fools. If they don't know, it will be easier to trick them

that's about it! Byez! We are crossing the border to Canada in less than an hour!! (I'm on my phone...)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bye Bye Membership

Hi everyone!
If you may have noticed, i no longer have my membership :(
For now on (or until I buy a membership) I will be using my wolf
So that means I will need a new signature...



today i was thinking..
"the snow kingdom already has a land, along with a few other kingdoms. why not have our own?"
i thought the lost temples of Zios would work great!
a lab for the warlocks
games for gem earning
a water source
a good place for research
and very paranormal things!


My New Signature

I made a new signature because I thought my old one was a bit lame.
Here it is, enjoy!

Stay Healthy!


Happy Birthday, Violet!!!!

Happy Bithday To You!

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Brithday Dear Violet!

Happy Birthday to you!


Since your non member, and I want you to get your gift on your special day, I put my mind to the test and made the most epic siggy you could wish for, . ^.^  (I did your old picture, as It was cuter to me ^3^)

Here is your little banner/Siggy thing .3.

                                                          And since you play CS, A little avatar for you!
                                                                     Enjoy and Happy birthday,

Bday, Ages, spring break, and Admins

First off.... Its my bday today! So if any of you want to send me gifts just so you know I will be a member I think after spring break so you can send me gifts and I will accept them later. You can also send member items. And my dream item is a pink tail armor by the way.....

ok, second, I was looking at my last post and peppy said that the royal kids were around 14, which was what I thought. But all of the royal kids were saying they were around 18 YEARS OLD!!! I find that way too old but peppy and Jake and juni please tell me your thoughts on that. (anyone know where fuzzy's been?)

thirdly, I am going on spring break starting tomorrow. We are going to Canada which means that I won't have phone service and probably not a lot of internet connection. So there will probably be a phase over the next week where I wont be very active at all.

Lastly, I think peppy should hire all the authors as admins. What harm could it do? She could make rules and if someone violates them they are kicked off admin.
that's it! Bye!

Violet Roil (now a wolf)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Admin Ref Sheet

Hello, Friends!

This post is to clear some things up on Admins. First of all, here is what the admin must do:

~Update pages when needed.

~Read all posts


Now, in order for Peppy to see this post, No posting above it.

Here is the sheet you must fill out:

How much time do you have? This is a 24/7 job, so you must have alot


What would you do?

How often would you do it?


Please fill this sheet out. You must read my old post. ^^

Wolf VS Seal, Pixies, and B-day

Hey guys, so I traded my bunny for a seal. I would rather have a bunny but I really wanted an underwater animal for no reason whatsoever so I got a seal. So now I need to know if violet should be a seal or wolf. Here are some wolf and seal pictures of violet:

So please pick which violet you like best!

Also, I am getting really bored with evil violet. It seems like violet can never be good anymore. And its not really the evil part that bothers me, its the pixie part >.< Ugh, pixies. So violet is now back to normal. The evil pixie who gave her the crown didn't realize that the magic she put on it to make the crown stick to violet's head wouldn't last forever, so violet took the crown off and came back to normal. I know this is a stupid story but im done with pixies for now. Lastly, its my birthday tomorrow!! I'm turning 12!!!! Im so excited! That's all citizens! Plz comment!

Admins, Pages and Reincarnations.

Hello, Friends! ^-^

As I check every tab on the blog daily, I've been noticing MORE AND MORE citizens, and LOTS of them are just reincarnations. Me and Alice had created a blog, and I wanted more than one person doing tabs, posts.... etc. Then I realized.... Instead of being just an author, you can make people ADMINISTRATORS, or Admins for short. As the citizen page is in overflow, If Peppy could make someone an admin? We need that citizens page cleared out O-O Also, Another thing Peppy would need to do is, CONTROL THE REINCARNATIONS. We have TONS of citizens now, and Peppy has said a few months back, The Kingdom will close its gates at 100 citizens. I am constantly noticing more and more dead people, missing people, and reincarnated people. I would like a law to be added:

You can only be reincarnated once.

That way, We wont have one person owning 5 citizens. For example: (Im Using some reincarnations that have happened as examples. Please dont be offended.)

Blue had died, and had told us how. Good. To be reincarnated, TELL US HOW YOU DIED.

Blue had been reincarnated in the period of 3 days. Good. If you aren't reincarnated, or brought back in the period of three days, YOU WILL REMAIN A GHOST.

Oak has come and has been with us for a while. Good. If you are reincarnated, please remember a few details, like Laws, Rulers, etc.

Oak has gone missing and Blue has returned. Not good. We have no explanation, and Blue was dead beyond our 3 day period.

Oak and Blue have been coming and going. REALLY. REALLY. NOT. GOOD. Keep your character. It is not goood to have 2 and no explantion.

To be reincarnated properly:

-Say how you died, or Make a Mini Play on it.

-Post In the comments on the citizen page, Whom you are now, and Whom you used to be.

- Be sure you wish to kill your citizen, as it cannot come back.

The exeption to the one citizen per person rule is pets. If you have a pet, and no one will be it, you may be your pet. Pets can die, but cannot come back. (Rooster in background: BAWK!?)

If we do get an Admin who will take the responsibility, PLEASE REMOVE THE DEAD CITIZENS AND REPLACE THEM WITH THE REINCARNATIONS.


If we get some new recruits, all the players whom are not active/ dont join in the RP's/ or Dead will be kicked out to make room. IF YOU ARE ACTIVE, POST A COMMENT SO WE KNOW WHOM WILL JOIN US.

Thank you, Im sorry if this post was offensive, but it just HAD to be done.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bunny and Wolf it is!

Violet is now a bunny/wolf, I am thinking bunny since it fits her personality the best but it will be so weird because she will be so small.... teensy weensy. Anyways, I will probably renew my membership but we will see. I am waiting for my birthday.

Evil Pixie Violet
violet pictures

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Violet's Animal?

So guys... Here were the top votes for VIOLET'S animal:

- Tiger
- Wolf
- Bunny

Please do a final vote for which one!

Evil Pixie Violet
violet pictures

Monday, March 25, 2013

Which animal is violet?

So guys, almost 3 months ago I went to target and bought a snow leopard gift card. Now, in less then 2 days my membership will expire. :( Anyways, I wanted to have a vote.

Now, the first question is this:

What 2 nm animals should I choose as my two animals when I become a nm?

So, here are the nm animals:

a) Wolf
b) Seal
c) monkey
d) bunny
e) panda
f) Tiger
g) Koala
h) Turtle
I) Penguin

So Please vote on 2 animals! One of them needs to be the animal I will use for violet, since I cannot have a fox. So please tell me what two animals, and what animal you think I should use for violet!

My other question,

If, And only if I decide to get another membership what should I get?

1) King of the Jungle
2) Arctic Wolf
3) Hummingbird
4) Regular 3 month
5) Regular 6 month
6) Regular 12 month

Now please help me decide! I am sad I am losing my membership and if you have any non-member things you are not going to use PLEASE SEND THEM TO ME NOW, CONSIDERING I CANNOT ACCEPT THEM WHEN I AM NON MEMBER.

Well that's about it... Please vote! Bai!

Evil Pixie Violet
violet pictures

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Explaining, Random Papers, and the Darker Kingdoms


Don't be surprised that I'm back already. I was back the day I posted the post on me leaving. I had been gone that entire time that I hadn't been in roleplay. :D


At the Kingdom of Sages, some interesting things happened. I was the only one privileged with being at the deathbed of my former sage mentor, the High Sage. It was sad and touching. :') He also gave me some papers he found that came from the Darker Kingdoms before he died.

Oh, you don't know about the Darker Kingdoms? We live in the Lighter Kingdoms. The Darker Kingdoms are full of evil beasts, harsh kingdoms, thieves, and murderers, much worse than what we have. Not a very nice place, but luckily our kingdom is far away from the border.

Nobody from the Lighter Kingdoms gets into the Darker Kingdoms, and nobody from the Darker Kingdoms gets into the Lighter Kingdoms. The border guards make sure of that. In fact, there have been only three animals that have made it across that I know of. But the guards can only enter into a different section of kingdoms if there is a forbidden child in the area that came from their area, but luckily forbidden children rarely ever happen.

Back to the topic of the papers!

I look forward to studying these papers. Not trying to be rude, but until I thoroughly study these papers, no one else may see them. They were given to me by my former sage mentor, and I will take this assignment seriously.

Stay Healthy,

Gylfie101 (Frost, the sage)

Cottages, Polls, and Boredom

 *waves* Your queen here my darlings <3  I apoligize for not being very active, but it seems you've all been getting along fine. I also apoligize, for I won't exactly be posting updates in roleplay, and citizens, considering the others pretty much have that covered ;)  Anywho, I was  talking to Iris, the peasant I'd posted about previous to this, and we've discovered her cottage was built on our land, so she's officially a citizen. I also decided to make a small town of cottages on the map that new citizens can move into so they don't have to remodel their dens for the kingdom. I also made a cottage myself, but I won't be using it considering I'm a queen so me making it was pretty much useless, but none the less here it is;

 Iris emailed me a screenshot she took of her home, I think the fireplace is a really good idea when it comes to making a cozy home :3
If you'd like to make a small cottage on a side account I'd be really greatful ^-^
On another note, I'll be having a poll on our next event soon. I apoligize for this being such a short post, and I promise to post more often soon.
I'll be updating the pages on Celestial Studies later today, and tommorow ;3

Saturday, March 23, 2013

As you may have noticed...

I haven't been in roleplaying that often.

Hey guys, not many of you are my buddies! Send me a buddy request and put your username in the comments!

Also, I have been on an important quest. I'll tell you the story:

I looked at my herb store and sighed. It was so small ever since the massive dragon attack on the forest. The kingdom had stayed unhurt, and knew little about it, but the herbs had been mostly wiped out. I stood up and decided I needed to get herbs for my kingdom.

I grabbed my satchel and stepped out the door. I didn't have to worry about Misty, since she was staying in the kingdom after the attack. I knew a place from my past that was in abundance of herbs, and all the dragons were tame. It was perfect. It was ideal. It was really far away.

Oh well. Luckily it was part of the happier part of my past, so it wouldn't bring back very many unhappy memories.

I locked the door and began my long journey to the Kingdom of Sages.

Stay Healthy!

-Gylfie101 (Frost, the sage)

P.S. My past is very sensitive and I hate thinking about it. Please don't ask about it. All you need to know is that I'm your faithful sage and I am here to help you. Nothing else.

Friday, March 22, 2013


So I am going to write this story as I go. I am bored and so I am going to write a story about violet and the evil pixie. And it might be sort of freaky so not for kids under the age of 8 ^^ (no but seriously its sort of freaky)

This story is from violets point of view:

I sat in the chair. The darkness stung my fur and my paws ached from the magic ropes securing them to the seat. I was trapped. I couldn't see a thing. Darkness surrounded me like a blanket. I sat there in complete darkness, and the only thing I could see was the color black.

I heard a raspy voice coming from deep in the room.
"Violet Mizorrow...." It cooed. (by the way you pronounce that 'Miz-are-eww' I made it up on the spot, so don't judge me.)
"That is not my name!" I argued.
"Sssshhh.... Quiet..." It whispered. I could sense a presence moving toward me in the darkness. "Your name is Mizorrow dearie. That was your birth parent's names, Brook Mizorrow and Glen Mizorrow" I stared into the darkness looking for any sign of this creature.
"Who are you!?" I demanded.
"The question is, do you know who you are?" Its raspy voice talked on.
"I am Violet Roil, Princess of--" It cut me off,
"No Dear. You are Violet Mizorrow, the rightful Pixie Queen."
"NO!" I screamed, "I am not the pixie Queen! Never! Pixies are evil! I have experienced it before, and there is no way I am the pixie queen!!!" Even though I believed I wasn't, it was hard to face the truth. My fur was black, red, and grey. My eyes where black. And the worst of all, I had a crown on my head that I couldn't get off. It was stuck to me head. And it was horrible. It made me evil. Changed who I was. But it didn't take away my confidence.
"Show yourself Coward!" I screamed at the thing, "Don't hide in the shadows and be a coward, Show yourself!" I suddenly felt my crown taking over. It was like a wave of oil. It seeped into my veins, my heart, and my soul. Soon I couldn't control what I was saying, I was a whole different me.
"You Phantom!" I bellowed. It gasped,
"How dare you--" But I cut it off.
"Nobody Hurts me!!!!!!" I ripped out of the bindings and freed myself from the chair. I slashed at the air with my claws that had suddenly just grown longer. Soon I was slashing at darkness, hoping to hit something. I suddenly felt nauseous and fell over. The crown took a lot of energy from me. I lay down on the cold ground, and curled up on the spot. I felt so tired I felt like jello.

I woke up with a cry and one of the maids was shaking me. "Violet, Violet wake up!" I jolted into reality and realized it was all a dream. But the vision of the dark room still haunts me.

Evil Pixie Violet
violet pictures