So where I live we had some very... umm... 'wierd' weather today. When I woke up to go to school it was SNOWING! SNOWING I TELL YOU! IN SPRING!!! It was crazy. When I was walking up to my bus stop me and my friends were joking about this 'awkward random snowfall'. Now, it was snowing all morning. And then when school ended I lost track of the weather. At the end of school when I was on the bus it was a foggy gloomy cloudy weather. It was also cold. And then when me and my friends got off the bus we were walking down towards our houses and it got sunny. It warmed up to like 50-60 degrees (at least I think, im not sure, that's what it felt like at least) and by the end of the day I was wearing shorts!! So today's weather went from snow to sun! weird, right???
Also, my membership expires I a few days and im not sure im going to renew it. The thing is, does any one know how to do a nm fox? Please tell me if you do!!
Anyways, that's my random post, byez.
violet pictures
Yup! Delete every animal expect ur fox but if chu dont want 2 and chu just want a member animal delete every nm animal! :D and its been snowing all day and night 4 me :-/
ReplyDeletewait does that really work? But I don't want to delete all my animals.
Deletewhen you run out of member ship slect your turtle and a land only animal then go to any part of the ocean then recycle your land only animal then log out and back in and you should have nm fox
ReplyDeleteNu-uh my friend tryed it and it said u cant reycle ur only land animal!
Deletemy friend tried recycleing all her non-member animals and it didn't work =-=
DeleteThat girl from the snow kingdom princess awesome, she didnt have any nm animals but then she got a wolf.... And it wasnt long ago
Deletethat doesn't even make any sence (btw you missed her weding)