Hi all *waves paw* I have decided, after much pondering, that I am coming back to the kingdom. I realized how much I missed my fellow CT citizens. They have been so important to my animal jam life and life offline. And Peppy, I wish you many of great journeys.
ALSO, please note that I still will not be on as frequently
ALSO, please note that I still will not be on as frequently
JAM ON, Aoifekitty/Victorypaw
First Comment :D And reminder to Oak and Hawk :D we are leaving for the quest TOMORROW wheather your here or not.. lets say no later the 8;00 pm eastern time k?
I usually get on at 8:00 or 9:00 Central time and get off around 3:00/2:00 Central. I'll be ready ^-^
DeleteSo that would be 11 or 12 eastern and 4 or 5 eastern... got it :D
P.S has anyone heard from hawk lately?
He is only allowed to come on AJ at his Grandmas I think..