Sunday, July 7, 2013

Oh no!

I just got an email and my membership is expired. I have barely been on AJ for awhile cuz I was on vacation and I didn't know my membership was expiring. So ya...
I'm not sure what animals to get but I think I'm going to wait to get a new membership until the kangaroo gift card comes out. Has there been any updates about kangaroos?

so... Yeah. I just want to know if someone could tell me about any new updates on aj.

So also- about Erica's post- I am probably going to be non member at the ball (if I make it to the ball). But we'll see.



  1. Please make it to the ball! If you can't try and see me online so I can show you the castle ahead of time :)

    Also, I'm sorry your membership has to end right around the ball! That must be aggravating! ;-;

    1. I know right! It IS soo aggravating! And the reason I don't think I can make it to the ball is because I don't get back home until July 14th and that means I'm not going to be on AJ until then.
      And then as soon as I get back I start rehearsals for an improve performance in doing which happen for two weeks from 9am-2pm on weekdays. So I will be pretty busy. But if you really want me to make it we can discuss a date. Its just I can never assure you I can make it considering we might end up doing something at that date/time.
      So we'll see! ^^


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