Saturday, January 26, 2013

Royal Family, Violet, and Citizens

Before I begin, I must apoligize, you can no longer join the royal family. Even if you want to, you can't. It's getting WAY to full, and besides even if you did join, I'd give you just as much a say in things as anyone else.
Now on to another topic I think at least a few of you are noticing. Violet died, she was killed by Soul Stealer, who was defeated in a fiery battle of vengance, and now Violet's soul can finally return to her body .3.
The "Main Topic" of this post was not either of those things, nor was I planning on it to be, the real topic is how fast the kingdom is growing :D We either have 28, or 29 citizens at this point, excuse my poor memory.
We also have 1 more knight I have yet to add the the citizens page, mind you I don't have a proper description for them yet.
Celestial Towers is a bit more successful than I was actually assuming it would end up being, considering we only need 1-2 more citizens, and already our 3rd ball would be aproaching.
With the kingdom growing so fast, I've came across an idea. I think we should close the gates of the kingdom once we reach 100 citizens, and stop letting in newcomers. It's not that I don't love the roleplay, it's just it can get a little crowded, and honestly there's starting to be a pinch too much drama, and betrayal. I don't believe that we'll actually reach 100 citizens, I'm just stating if we do, we'll have to stop letting in newcomers, sure we'll still make new allies, and sadly enemies, but we won't have to keep track of so many citizens.
Yes, drama is part of roleplay, but if you refuse to listen to reason, than what's the point? The drama in the kingdom isn't meant to hurt anyone, it's supposed to be interesting, and fun, not hurtful. Remember this is a game, and the twists, and turns are never against you personally.
I can't stand the thought of not letting in anyone else once, excuse me, if we reach 100 citizens, but this might change if everythings going fine at that point.
Thanks for reading ^-^

Monday, January 21, 2013


I haven't made a post in days, and I barely have time to post this... So here are some clips from the last ball. Which by the way got a little out of hand, so we ditched it for an ice rink, and a bounce house X3
Yup that's literally all I have to post currently ;D

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Ball Information

Time- 5:40 to 8:00 central time
Where- Peppywolf's den
Shops- Herbal, Fortune Teller, Lights
Activities- Mock Battles, Dancing, Feast, The Grand Dance, Typical Roleplay, SOME Trading, Chatting, Entertainment (Jokes, Juggling, etc... preformed by Countess The Clone, A few classic songs possibly preformed by Jake Roil)
Note- If you're reading this please inform all kingdom members to read this post, it's very important I want as many of you to make it as possible! I've planned out tons of activites, twists, and turns! This will be a major improvement to the last ball ;3 AGAIN, if you're reading this the ball is tommorow, tell as many of the other citizens, through jam-a-gram the ball is tomorrow, or to read this post! THANKYOU! 1 more thing, when you arrive please take a seat at the feast table, if all the mats are taken sit on the floor, or take a seat at the near table. We will begin with a feast, and go over all the activities, the "Grand Dance" will be at 7:10, and if you invite a partner, or dance with another citizen your outfits must be at least a little similar. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Ball Postponed, and Stories

The ball has to be postponed! I'm required to help out with my friend's little brother's birthday ^^ Actually, Misty's little brother to be exact (I know her in real life, I hope that helps explain a bit) Her little bro's only 7, and he's inviting 16 companians, and about half are girls O.O
So that's what I'll be doing this weekend... I might end up hosting the ball on Friday after school, but I'm unsure as to when everyone's school let's out. I get home at about 3 central time, and go on about an hour later. So again that would make the time 4 central time, and I'm not positive I could start the ball any later than 7... So I need a little help, would you like me to wait another week, or move it up to Friday? It's your choice, just keep in mind Friday's only 4 days away.
Now that that's out of the way I really should move on to this.
I kind of got lost on the stories page, and I need your help. My email was mysteriously erased so if you sent me a story, and it's not on the stories page please leave it in the comments, and if your story was left in the comments, and still isn't on the page repost it on this post ^^ In the comments of course, thankyou!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Next Ball!

*Waves* Greetings, my loyal subjects! I've put together plenty of activities for the second ball, and I really tried to step it up a bit! What you see above is a few screenshots I took of the set up, I'm happy to tell you I've been brainstorming ideas for the past week, and I finally came up with some!
First of all we have the herbal/forest shop, this can be run by Violet, and Frost. Considering Frost is a sage, and Violet is pretty skilled when it comes to wood working.
2nd is the "Fortune Teller" this can be run by Zoey Sierra, Josh Sierra, Silver Raito, or Blackstone Presagio, if anyone of you would like to volunterr feel free! All you have to do is ask a few "mysterious" questions, and than you'll "see" the fortune aproaching your customer. Dark, or mysterious fortunes can add to the fun in roleplay, but don't over do it. If more than one of you would be up to the task you can trade shifts ^^
3rd is my thrown, it's mostly there for decoration X3
4th in the picture is the dungeon. If any body is caught breaking the rules they will be sent there for about 2-3 minutes, so it's not too bad.
Now 5th, I realized I forgot to include a regal dance in the last ball! So I set up a nice room, and yes I do need someone to preform. If any of you are musically gifted I'd apreciate you to provide music for the guests :D
6th is a lovely little light shop. I'd be fine with anyone whom would like to run it, running it. So if you'd like to please leave a comment telling me why you'd qualify for the job.
Now last I've set up a game. It is very similar to a mock battle, but just a little different. I realized a lot of people were "healing" themselves far to quickly, so I added a small healing shack. Frost, the sage will be located there. Once you are injured you must retreat to the healing shack for 1 minute, and will not be able to battle until you are healed. If Frost can't show up I'll set up a small arrangement of herbs/plants in the shack for you to heal yourselves.
Each round will have a catch. Some examples are; You may only fight using your hands, you must fight in teams, you may only fight using swords, etc... If you end up fighting in teams I'd prefer you and your team mate choose a color to represent you both, and make your animals completely that color. This will make sure nobody injures their teammate, and will also make it a bit more organized.
A few more things pertaining to the ball are; During the dance you can invite a buddy to dance with, and I'd prefer if you're partner has a somewhat similar outfit as your's. You are free to add certain twists, and turns to the ball adding to the dramatic fun in roleplay. If the Healing Shack runs out of herbs purchase some at the Herbal/Forest shop. Feel free to host a small after party. If you have an idea I'd be okay with feel free to use it!
The Ball is either going to be hosted on Saturday, or Sunday of NEXT WEEK. I have yet to plan a time considering you might not all be able to make it if I set one up at random. I'll probably end up going with 4 central time, but if you know for a fact you'll be busy please notify me!
Before I finish if you have some ideas to include in the ball please leave them in the comments!
Thankyou, and farewell!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Castle Tour, and Ideas

Sense I've updated the castle a teensy bit more than a little, I thought I'd tour it once more. Yes, when the next ball comes along I'll replace the bedrooms with something a little more entertaining ;3
Besides that, to see the website I won the thrown on CLICK HERE
She has a comment giveaway every month, and I always participate. Last month I was 1 comment behind first place! I'm 'specially happy 'bout the prizes I got this month though ;3
Back on the subject of the kingdom... I was thinking we could host an event to recruit Knights. Of course our Head Knight, Blue Warrior Kader/bluewolfmoongirl should be able to attend ^^
I just thought it seemed like a neat idea, I dunno, maybe it's silly.
I'm not really into the whole fighting scene.
On another note do any of you have any ideas to improve, or better the kingdom?
I'm interested to hear your ideas :D
Right now I've thought of a few pertaining to the ball, and the kingdom in general, and thought of silly little names for them. This is similar to something I do on my main blog, so if you're following that, this may seem similar.
Mock Battles
This would be "fake" battling, and I did include it at the last ball. I forgot to go into detail about it, and I might as well now. Mock battles are fighting until your opponent, or "dummy" is injured. Warlocks are nessecary, and MUST heal the injured after the small battle. You are not able to heal yourselves unless you've been "properly trained".
A Week In Review
We could round up as much of the kingdom as possible on a certain day of the week, and go over what's happened pertaining to Mini-Plays, Battles, etc... So everyone fully understands what's currently going on.
I have more I'm sorry I'm just not in the mood to do this. Sorry for the sudden ending, bye?

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Clips From the Ball

Feel free to skip through these clips I'd filmed from my time at the ball ;3
I hope everyone had fun, and would be happy if you commented what you enjoyed the most at the ball :D
If you think it needed improvement tell- You shall not report to queen Peppy she has been over ruled by us- Shut up this is ice it's not that hard to break! I'm sorry for the interuption. I think an explanation is do-

Anyways, with fairies who's only skill is putting on a cute face, and fluttering around like a couple of dummies, they weren't that hard to defeat. That, and they didn't even use solid ice for the cage :l (hehe, actually I used side accounts because I was bored, and no one was online :( It was fun though, although I do now need to remodel my den AGAIN :l)
Anyways how was the ball? Did you all enjoy your time? I want to know so I can improve the next one (we reached 20 members so it should be soon)