Tuesday, June 4, 2013

good-bye deer friends

Uhh.... Hey guys, some... news I need to tell you... Willow and I  quit... we can't stand all that's happening and it seems we lost... a friend and we'll probably regret this but, yea... we just can't take it now, we removed ourselves from the citizens page (well I forgot to remove me .-. I accidently deleted my admin ship >.< Remove me please? .3.) so we're still on AJ and Chatlands and that stuff we just won't be in the kingdom.... so here are our good-byes:
*NOTE* Willow wants to say if Poppy wants to hurt us and break us up, she won't be a part of it. She has no desire to speak to anyone but Alice and Peppy. (And Maybe Jake) Her e-mail from earlier is off limits for kingdom e-mails and the job of admin she had can be given to whomever wants it.

 *NOTE2*: we won't be checking comments so don't even try to convince us to come back

Hawk Spirit/ Jake, Queen Peppy Roil Rainystar, Violet Roil, Silver Ratio, Frost Hart, Zoey Sierra, Glaze and Erin Hart, and Victory Paw. so guess that's it, bye.
(and check out the posts below)


  1. Please don't quit! You guys are my un-replaceable best friends, and i'm sorry for whatever happened. All I was doing was standing up for Poppy, who was being bullied. I suddenly feel like all of this is my fault, and i'm REALLY, really sorry...

    1. We're loosing valuable citizens... now I feel like temporarily taking a break from the kingdom..

    2. oak, poppy was the bullyER have you herd the stuff hawk goes through? is his a bully? no. and if we're your " un-replaceable best friends" why were you also mean to us? you should've seen that poppy was hurting us! is losing 2 best friends worth losing just one friend who might even be using you? (this is probably the only comment i'll reply to)

    3. I'm sorry! And she's not using me.. And I wasn't trying to be mean to you, if I was.

    4. I agree with Alice...I agree... Tears fell as I read your post...thanks for putting me in the good bye list I feel loved bye for now...or forever

  2. WHAT!?!!?? I know u said we cant change ur mind but, please STAYYY! You and Willow are some of my bestests friends in the kingdom!!! The poppy thing is over please! Willow has been there for me a number of times and Alice u were once my sister (and one of the greatest u and Violet 030) now Shadowfur's quit!!! URGHHHH. 1 more person quits I am gone, FOR GOOOD.

    ~Jake not signed in and ticked

  3. Herp derp so many people are quitting. D:

  4. The kingdom might fall apart if anyone else quits!

  5. *sigh* First Peppy, and now you guys. Why would I not be surprised if EVERYONE else left the kingdom? This is a perfect example of why we can not allow guest on chatroll anymore. Why can't you guys just ignore "Poppy" and move on? Is it so easy for some strong willed spirits like Willow and Alice's to be broken? If this drama over some little brat by the name "Poppy" goes on any longer, I'll just leave the kingdom myself. You all need to act like real admins and handle this "Poppy". If you don't handle her, I'll talk to "Poppy" myself.

    Now, I'm sorry if I sound a little mean in this comment, It's just that you all need to get over it. If a little kid by the name "Poppy" can make you guys quit, imagine what she could do if she annoyed everyone in the kingdom.

    What would happen then?

    Think about it.


This is an ARCHIVE, not the real blog. Please, all of these are old posts. It would do good to comment only "reminders" or something of the sort.

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