Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My paws are frozen, but remember that history repeats...

Children, stop your silly bickering and gather 'round
As I tell a story of friends lost and found
Those days when I was small
I see you leaning in closer
Good, good, you need to hear
This story, a warning
A close-knit group, their bonds slowly breaking
That I watched fall apart.

A humble family at first 
Simple and joyous
Through each bright day and shadowy night
Through the gentle springs 
The inferno of summer
The tickling breezes of fall
And the bitter winters
And I, there from the beginning, so proud.

Growth! Growth, oh my,
Excited whispers and welcoming smiles
Each new member came 
But growth means more opinions
All different and when they clash
A fight ensues
Some easily forgiven
Some leaving scars that could never heal.

I watched and wondered
How to stop the imminent destruction
Of the feuding family
But our attempts to bring us back together
Proved to be in vain.
All we could do was watch
As the fighting grew 
And more ran out to escape the unneeded abuse.

Every day, it seemed to get worse
I clung with ridiculous hope to the family
Wishing and praying for something impossible
The soft tears I shed each time someone left,
As the tragic result of contention
Burned scars in my face
But nothing could compare 
To the scars burned in my heart.

So heed my warning, children
Fights so lightly brushed off
Growth handled improperly 
Contention growing out of control
Like a screaming demon
Tears burning scars deep within
As we wave goodbye to those we love the most
Say goodbye to your comfortable life.

If you so choose to ignore
Then watch everything and everyone you know
Crumble to dust beneath your feet...



  1. The story of Celestial Towers! .3.
    Good job, that was reallly good like u can see it all sounded nice, now its a un-welcoming place!!



This is an ARCHIVE, not the real blog. Please, all of these are old posts. It would do good to comment only "reminders" or something of the sort.

Please do not hate on the blog or its owners, thank you.