Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Poppy has quit

Poppy has asked me to make this post for a few reasons..
And I have a few myself.
First things first:
Poppy has NOT hacked me.

The reasons Poppy wanted me to make this post are:
1. She wants to see everyone's reaction and those of the few people who care
2. Only about 7 people know she's quitting and 5 of them hate her and are HAPPY she's leaving.
I feel bad for her.
I now know how she feels.
The kingdom is becoming a place full of hate, and now some of the most trusted and innocent people in the kingdom are supporting it!
I want it to stop.
Last night, I felt very close to quitting (not giving why or names).
This kingdom can be a better place, without hating, right?
Let's all try that.
A list of stuff to make us happier :P
Nice outfit
You're a great person!
 Today is going to be wonderful!
You're awesome!
You're nice!
You're cool!
You're a good friend!
I apologize/forgive you!
(And it goes on and on and on)
If an argument/fight breaks out:
Don't continue it!
Just think of the problem, and find a good, nice way to solve it!


  1. http://www.google.com/imgres?newwindow=1&sa=X&biw=1360&bih=667&tbm=isch&tbnid=sdy8iT5nVoxkvM:&imgrefurl=http://dashburst.com/10-cats-grumpier-than-grumpy-cat/&docid=OX9oHBtxSrUBpM&imgurl=http://cdn.dashburst.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Grumpy-Cat.jpg&w=365&h=277&ei=3WuuUZvSD8en4AOvp4CAAg&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:1,s:0,i:165&iact=rc&dur=3938&page=1&tbnh=165&tbnw=198&start=0&ndsp=18&tx=117&ty=63

    1. what? it's just an internet kitty .3. HER FACE WAS BORN THAT WAY 030

    2. I know, its GRUMPY though, which means your grumpy at oak .-.

    3. it really doesn't, it's just a cat i didn't direct it at oak i just posted grumpy .3.

  2. Thank you, Hopefully this will show everybody im serious.

  3. It's about time someone made this post. I've had too much stuff on my hands to post something like this, and I thank your for it. >:|

  4. I really hope you all resolve your problems. With all of this breaking out so suddenly I'm kind of hoping to come back sooner than the end of summer, but I do have to see if you guys can last without me. After all, I can't be queen forever.

    1. I'm sure everyone's sorry, Peppy. There's still some people who are happy Poppy's gone, but i'm sure the hate can't go on forever...

    2. Peppy, we've lost more valuable citizens over this.


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