Saturday, December 8, 2012

Before I Host a Ball...

  So I'm guessing you've all seen the "Upcoming Balls" page, well, I only host a ball for every 10 citizens, not followers, I could care less if you follow my blog. What I really want is more jammers involved in the kingdom :3 Besides that, I don't even have a baker to cater! Or a tailor to design outfits (which WILL be posted giving you full credit on this blog ;3) I also wouldn't mind a sculptor putting up some statues in the trade market, and possibly a jewler, but so far if I host a ball, who's going to help me? I realize bailey1120/Shadow Claw doesn't have a job yet, so Shadow, what do ya say to catering as a baker? Oh yes, and my warlocks, Silver and Blackstone, would you mind doing a few spells for entertainment? I understand if you don't want to, but it sure would be something ^^! I could also set you up a few stands to sell potions, and spells (glitches). And of course at my ball my in game daughter, and princess of the kingdom, Violet should at least have a dance with a knight, or prince from another kingdom! But far as I'm concerned I'm un-aware of any other kingdoms, so I knight would do :3 Tommorow I'll be making a video ALL about the kingdom :3 Sense I already have a few citizens we can finally make this baby official! Oh, and if you'd like to join the kingdom comment on my previous post, please.


  1. Sounds cool! I can't wait until we have a ball. I could help around the kingdom, even though I'm a knight

  2. It would be funny if I danced with the knight thinking she was a boy...😊 I could also help to make outfits....even though I'm a princess..

    1. I was actually thinking that would happen xD that would make the ball even better, but if that happened, but you would need to keep the secret too

    2. X3 I'm snickering just thinking about it.

  3. Yes! That would be funny!...and wierd xD


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