Friday, March 29, 2013

Wolf VS Seal, Pixies, and B-day

Hey guys, so I traded my bunny for a seal. I would rather have a bunny but I really wanted an underwater animal for no reason whatsoever so I got a seal. So now I need to know if violet should be a seal or wolf. Here are some wolf and seal pictures of violet:

So please pick which violet you like best!

Also, I am getting really bored with evil violet. It seems like violet can never be good anymore. And its not really the evil part that bothers me, its the pixie part >.< Ugh, pixies. So violet is now back to normal. The evil pixie who gave her the crown didn't realize that the magic she put on it to make the crown stick to violet's head wouldn't last forever, so violet took the crown off and came back to normal. I know this is a stupid story but im done with pixies for now. Lastly, its my birthday tomorrow!! I'm turning 12!!!! Im so excited! That's all citizens! Plz comment!


  1. Wolf~
    ^-^ Although a seal would be fine, I just think being a wolf suits your character more, I mean it isn't really typical to see a seal in the forest X3

  2. hmm it depends on how old you are in roll play like a kid (4 to 10) or a teen? (13 to 19) if kid then seal if teen then wolf

    1. She's about 14 right now I believe, so again I'd say wolf ^-^


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