Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Hi everyone!
It seems that the last post is over flowing with comments (see post below)
So if you have any more questions you can comment here (just so it keeps neat and organized)
P.S. can i have cottage 13 or 3 (:

Victory paw


  1. I was just about to make that..


    1. It is already made i just want to own it. Im not sure who made it though

    2. Oh, opps! Sorry.. anyway, now i blame the person who made it! i was told to make it!


    3. oh thats ok im sure there are other cottages to make

  2. Replies
    1. from saying a howl in jamma central.

  3. Can i make cottage 20 and 21?

  4. If anyone was wondering, I was VERY inactive the past month or so. I had discovered I had a bad disease that was spreading to my lungs and brain and it could have killed me instantly. Luckily my friend found me on the floor of the bathroom at school covered in huge red welts and my breathing very shallow. I am doing better, surprisingly, and I will try to be more active. Wish me the best of luck this week as I try to walk again. (My nervous system broke down and I lost all feeling and contact with my legs)

    -Erica P. Grindle

    1. Wow O3O Hope u get better and get that disease gone o3o

  5. I am working on CelestialCottage013, so in the meantime until I am finished just keep it in mind. ( It'll probably go to you because your the first person who I saw that asked ^^ )


    1. Actualy there is one that has already been made ( I don't know who made it) but if you have any other cottages I would be happy to rent

    2. I made CelestialCottage013, and I have finished it. I have buddied you on the account as you may see when you log on. ( Mind the "Your" I meant to say "You're" )



This is an ARCHIVE, not the real blog. Please, all of these are old posts. It would do good to comment only "reminders" or something of the sort.

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