Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Journal Post #4

Hawk and Oak made there way through the mountains traveling all day and night. Keeping a good look-out for the Soul-Eating wolves. The found that one of the mountains had a grass and a forest on it! They were amazed so they went up there and set up their tent, Oakfire called to Hawkspirit, "Hawk look! Is that- is that Willow?!" They saw Willow near a pond. "Hello Oak and Hawk, what are you doing here?" "I came here to stop the prophecy from happening, I saw a bird.. I could see the terror in its eyes. It was sign and it was heading towards the mountains it wanted me to come here..." "You mean 'We came here'" Oakfire elbowed Hawkspirit, "Yeah, sorry.." They both laughed. ****** They started talking about random stuff and all of the sudden they were talking about Willow's journal which was random. "How do you know that..?" "It says it in your journal which is open 24/7!" Hawk waved her journal in the air. "Hey give that back!" He threw it into the pond and Oakfire dived in after it to get it. Hawkspirit closed his eyes and used magic to make waves form so she couldn't get it. "Help Hawk i'm stuck!" "No you just want Willow's journal!" He called back. The seaweed and all these other plants had got hold of Oak's leg and were pulling her down! Willow leaped in to help Oakfire.. but it didn't work..! ****** Hawkspirit finally stopped the waves and dived into the water to see what was happening. 'Oh gosh, shes really stuck!' He sliced the root of the plant, Oak came un-done but then was shot into a entrance of a little cave Willow swam after her but then sand poured down and had Oak stuck inside! Willow teleported in, to get Oakfire out but then was stuck in it! Hawk kicked his back legs in the sand but got them stuck. He used water powers to make a wave wash over and knock down the sand. It worked! But as the wave came in Willow and Oakfire were pushed deeper into the cave and were drowning. Hawkspirit spotted them a swam over, but the walls of the cave started shaking! Then cracking and all of the sudden a blue fox spirit shot right out! "Bluespirit!" "White!" Hawk and Oak looked at each other, not knowing what was going on. "Guys we don't have time for this!" Hawk called. "Oh..." Willow's smile dropped, "Ughh grab my paw guys and Blue follow me!" ****** Hawk pulled Oakfire and Willow onto land. Oakfire was kept shaking randomly and her hat was covering her face. 'Whats wrong with Oakfire...?? Bluespirit's head bobbed up from the pond, which more likely got turned into a deep pool! "White!" "Blue!" Ummm... "Its so good to see you!" "I know.. but sis.. I can't stay forever.. its my time to go.." "WHAT!??! You can't go! You just got here! Please live again!" 'Whats happening..! We only just met this guy!' He sighed and slowly drowned in the water. Willow gasped and fainted! "Hawk!" Oakfire said, "Yeah?" "Do you have any herbs for Willow?" "No.. sorry.. I'll go look for some now." "Wait.. one second.. I'll be right back.." 'Hmm... She's acting strange again.. Hawkspirit quietly followed her, she went into the tent. He looked in and she was shaking and looked very worried, her hat covering her face. 'Poor thing.. what happened..' He walked in quietly and sat beside her. "Hey whats the matter..?" "Oh nothing," "Co'mon whats wrong..?" "If I told you, you'll laugh.." "No I won't.." "Okay fine.. you know how a mess up a lot of spells..?" "No.. haven't noticed, anyway, go on.." "Well... when we were stuck in the cave.. I tried to save myself from drowning so I used a spell..." She uncurled her paws there was scales! She took off her hat.. there was gills! "Woah.." "I know.. what should we do..?" "Maybe see a sage or something.. Follow me.." He padded out of the tent to see Willow slowly waking up. They went deep into a forest on the mountain! One weird mountain for sure.. There was a river flowing right through it.. They both sat down. Hawkspirit gazed into it and pounced on a 4 foot long fish! He put his paw on its throat, "Die or change my sister back!" The fish coughed and said, "No can do mister... and I'm sorry I didn't do that.." Hawk bit down on its throat. "Hawk! Why'd you do that?! I said I did it! My magic got messed up!" "These fish do random and bad things to the water!" 'Yup RANDOM!' "Still!" "Sorry.... Why don't we tell Willow.. she might be able to help..." "Oh okay.." They headed back to were Willow was sitting by the pond glaring at it with deep sad eyes. ****** Dear Journal, Today was such a stressful day! I don't know how I would ever have made it through by my self.. Oak messed up a spell.. and I don't know if she'll ever turn back... ~Hawkspirit Flame Red


  1. Very nice! Can I tell you a typing trick? When making characters talk, press the enter key when you wish for another person to speak. It makes reading easier, and typing neater! ^-^

    -Willow Spirit

    I adore the picture of Blue ^.^ Awesome find!

    1. Thanks! And I'll use that for sure, sorry I didn't go over it to chek for mistakes like it said, "The found" it should of been "They found" anyway, I just typed in Blue fox O3O I typed in pink fox to look at a random pic of Violet and found a 1 a lot of ppl would of liked, it was a little cartoon fox with pink wings then I found a brown wolf with pink wings :3 Thanks again,



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