Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Questions, ideas, and notes

We probably all know about the person who's been threatening us on Violet's post...
Well, I have a note for them.
Dear Mr. Kill List Commenter,
We have worked very hard on this kingdom, and I see that in your post you wrote something about being sick of the drama. But you know what? You're just starting it, and that was very offensive! And of course I didn't ruin "EVERYTHIIIIINGGG" in the kingdom. Our fighting has, and this is just making it worse, not helping! And I understand that you want the older versions of the reincarnated citizens back, and that's okay. But you can't force us, or delete ALL our hard work. if you DO delete the blog somehow, the kingdom will be over, and that would defeat the purpose of your plan: the reincarnated people would just leave, along with everybody else.

I've also realized that we still have a bunch of posts with ideas we never used.
We should work on those sometime!
And now for the questions.
  1. If a warlock in training completes their training, will there be some sort of ceremony?
  2. What will we do on birthdays?
  3. Does a character share the same birthday as the creator?
  4. Should we hold some sort of funeral if a citizen dies?
That's about it!
And one more thing... I need to talk with Jake if that's alright.
Read the posts below!


  1. I agree with the funerals and birthdays. It would be easier to remeber your animals birthday if it was of the creator. I think on birthdys we can chose wether to ave a party or picnic etc. Warlocks can get training and a ceromony a bit like a graduatiion.

  2. 1. I think a ceremony is a good idea. But they cant just pretend that they have had training. They actually need to have rollplayed and had an experienced warlock train them and maybe at the ceremony they can talk somewhat of what they learned.

    2. Well, party of course! ^^ (except on my birthday nobody did such a thing.)

    3. It is really their choice.

    4. Yes but i think it sort of does depend. I mean... if its a murder or something then yes a funeral makes sense. BUT if they citizen was evil or something and they were killed/defeated by other citizens or something then that's a different story...

  3. Ur ideas are good and I've seen that Violet hater, THEY MUST DIE. And if ur on chatroll we can talk

    ~Jake, Don't feel like signing in, Wait! IMMA DO MY OLD THING *JakeRoil*


This is an ARCHIVE, not the real blog. Please, all of these are old posts. It would do good to comment only "reminders" or something of the sort.

Please do not hate on the blog or its owners, thank you.