Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Fine Whatever

No one wants their drafts gone so whatever they can just stay there and take up space I don't care anymore bye. You'll all have to admin your own polls too because from now on I'll just stick to comments.


P.S. Whoever thought it would be funny to add the "or ranter" to my signature, it wasn't funny or nice. I don't know who you are but it could have been anyone who was an author or an admin. Maybe the purpose of this post wasn't clear to you and you decided you had to do that. I did this post because no one wanted their drafts down and wouldn't take them down after I asked so I basically decided I didn't care anymore.

In short, doing that was mean and I don't appreciate it. 


This is an ARCHIVE, not the real blog. Please, all of these are old posts. It would do good to comment only "reminders" or something of the sort.

Please do not hate on the blog or its owners, thank you.