Sunday, May 12, 2013

Cottages, Rent, and Monthly Surveys

I'm completely remodeling the map, or at least I WILL be remodeling it. It's going to have the emblem in the corner, and a few other renovations.  Now, it would be rather silly to make such a large update for one reason, that being adding the emblem, but you see it's not just that. I will be making a larger alteration, but I need every citizens help. I've started making cottages for the kingdom, this video will explain some;
Once I make a little more profit, and have built more cottages the rent will go down. It's only as pricey as it is now so I can buy furniture for future cottages, speaking of I have finished the fourth in line, here's a small screenshot of it;
'Course this is just a single part of the interior, but I'm sure you've gotten the idea of the theme of this particular cottage (ノ´ヮ´)ノ
It may take a large sum of time to finish 40+ cottages, but I'm for the task, if you'd like to move your household into one of the cottage, please comment.
I'm sure this idea seems silly, why waste your gems to own a den you can't even edit?
  • It enhances roleplay, recall the social classes added to each household, they were simply pointless until now. The more regal your housing, clothing, etc... is shall determine your social standing. By regal I do not mean rare, for housing I'm referring to it being more extravagant, and towards clothing I mean things like jewellery, capes, etc...
  • It adds a hint of realism.
  • Your den won't have to be altered for the sake if the roleplay any longer, and it's always nice to give your persona a suiting home.
  • I can make a cottage specifically for you, and you alone.
  • I have a system in which you can have neighbors. 
  • If your household has more than one member you won't have to argue, and/or bicker about who's den will be your housing.
  • Your own den doesn't HAVE to be on the map if you don't want it to be considering you'll be living in a cottage, therefore your den shall only be on the map if it is a recreational destination (bakery, forest, hideout, etc...) 
  • It simply makes editing the map easier for the future map admin, as well as myself. It's more organized.
  • It's a new job opportunity for those willing to edit, and create new cottages.
  • In my own opinion, although I'm not sure if it's shared by others' it's rather fun, and it gives are kingdom something original.
  • It's land! If we lose a battle a portion of the cottages will go to the enemy, of course we will discuss this pre-battle, and make sure they have land to offer us if they happen to lose.
  • I will most likely giving Jake and Violet a portion of the kingdom to rule in the near future, therefore they will be able to edit a few of the cottages, and collect the rent, which as I said before enhances the role play.
  • With the map update, it will be easier to pinpoint a Celestial Towers specific destination for future role play/ mini plays.
  • I'm donating some of the profit to the Animal Jam Non-Member by buying colored items, and sending them to them. 
  • I can alter the dens for the sake of roleplay, say every other week I'll have some strange happening (pest attack, raid, storm, enchantment, etc...) at a randomly picked cottage, or set of cottages (considering I will be putting them into separate sectors of the kingdom)
  • In future events I can give each citizen who arrives a small gift with a small sum of the profit.
  • Last, but not least, I like the idea. Honestly, I'm kind of proud of myself for thinking of it, and already having four of the dens complete.
Thanks for reading that tediously long list.
Now, as Hawk/Jake mentioned in his last post, we haven't done Monthly Surveys.
I don't know why, but I've completely disregarded that idea, and there's no reason to it. So let's start with are first, of many to come, please notify all citizens to comment, answering the survey, and possibly renting a cottage, and/or future cottage;

What's your family name (last name)?
How many residents?
How many are children?
What is your social standing?
What are your thoughts on cottages?

*yawns* I suppose I should rest, farewell, and goodnight.

P.S. Multiple Must Read Posts Below ;D
P.P.S. Remember to answer the survey!


  1. No problem! :3 And I would like a cottage! Make it very blue o3o I'm in a house-hold of 2, well rlly 3 well rlly 4! Oh gawd I relized Poppy is in my family O-O Oak, Shadow (NOT SHADOWFUR, SHADOW.) And Poppy o3o Wanna all share? Or do u want 1 2 ur self? Here's my monthly wutever thing 0_0

    3 (does 12 count as childern if not 1 .3.)
    Warlock, Warlock, Toddler wutever, I have no clue.. O3O
    Dunno wut u mean sorry xD
    My thoughts! KA-BOOM! Tv's and balloon's and BLUE and plushies and candy.. And candy.. Oh did I say and lots of blue and plushies :3 AND CANDY OHHH HAVE U EVER HAD CANDY? *noms on candy, goes hyper from to much* O-O Doctor I think imma ------. How do u know? RAINBOWZZZzzzzzZzzzZZzzZzzzZZZzzz! O3o

    ~Hawkspirit, crazed on candy

    1. You 3 should probably share.

    2. Oh, and 12 counts as a child considering you'd still have schooling.

    3. Lets share number 3, since its big and earthy and stuff .3.

    4. Poppy and I were looking at #3... Maybe we can share that one. You could possibly add that stuff for Hawk, too XD

    5. I added 2 more beds :D

    6. You see Poppy there, she is a sneaky little girl! .3./) On chatroll her and Oak were picking the cottage when I thought we're sharing! That hurt me feelings :I And poppy said, "Lets just tell Hawk he was offline when we picked it ;)" Can't we pick one we all like! .3. and I did not stalk this time and I scrolled up. =-= Sick of this cottageness D:
      I am having a cottage by my self named Celestialcottage015. :) I probably made ur day Poppy, have a lovely time with your half-sister ;D

      ~HawkSpirit, ticked at the moment :)

    7. Hakwspirit i am nut supsprisod everywon is me an in times of the kindom even you probbly were i have seen on you chatrole people be rude and saw trabble words i am sorry for saying rude stuff about that soccr girl and almust criod myself to slep for saying that im sorry again for posting this rude commont but i am not supsprisod poppy and others go behind peoplees back all tht is wht thay do i think you should say sorry and move in with them donnot leave outt your familee at these times LOL a attck is comingw

  2. A cottage for myself! I want a cottage so I could have TWO HOUSES! A castle and a cottage. (If u want to share my cottage u can but ask me FIRST. There's only like 2 ppl I would share with o3o No offense to others..)
    And make it with a lot of black :3 And cool random stuff like ice cream and tv's and wutever thanks mom,

    1 (for now)
    Me ish a teen. So none.
    Prince :{P
    I dunno wut u mean :P
    Black, Ice cream, Tvs and epicness and epicnessly sweet of peppy to make cottage's :P

    Thanks and can u change my den on the map into a waterpark (all use my crazed waterpark den :3)


  3. ik im not even in the kingdom but i could make a few cottage accounts being that i have heard AJ bans you if you make to many accounts under the same email..
    its happened to people before

    anyways its 9:10 im sleepy.. so bye

    1. Alright, that'd be great! I kind of want to talk to you on AJ about this, though, okay?

  4. I would love a cottage!

    1. Great! You can have any of the four that are currently there, or I could make one customly for you.

    2. Oh no that's fine! I'm so excited! Are they at ur den or different den? Thanks, victory

  5. What's your family name (last name)? Jones
    How many residents?1
    How many are children?NONE
    Jobs? Warlock
    What is your social standing? Middle
    What are your thoughts on cottages? They are a neat idea.

  6. Hello my queen, i'm wondering if i could make my den into someone's cottage (only one cottage ima non-member cant buy 2 and up) if you could domate coloured items tht would mean a whole big meaning to me! I really love you idea for the cottages ;) Last but not least first person to reply gets it! :3 (I don't like picking people.. Lol)


    1 (sadly .3.)


    I think I put down middle I'm not sure :)

    Two words. Wonderful Idea! ^•^


    1. I'd prefer you make a side account for the cottage, but it's fine if you don't want to.

    2. I'll make CelestialCottage013 :)


  7. can i make side accounts to make cottages for me and some extra ones? 030 (i have two spare e-mail accounts)

    1. Yes, but put the cottages under the usernames CelestialCottage009,CelestialCottage010, etc... and please only do four, or less.

    2. I'll make CelestialCottage010!


    3. I mean CelestialCottage013! ^.^


  8. What's your family name (last name)?: Grindle
    How many residents?: One currently (might get engaged with my special fried soon, he's my boy friend in real life :3)
    How many are children?: none yet
    Jobs?: tailor and part time teacher
    What is your social standing?: pretty high
    What are your thoughts on cottages?: genius! :D Just one thing? if a cottage is owned can you lock it and only add that persons account so they can enter and leave a den? :)

    1. Good idea, although maybe add a few close friends? And myself, and the other royals considering it's expected we'd be allowed to check up on the citizens.

  9. I've had an idea that Celestial Towers could use to give it that more Medevil touch . . . You could host festivals like they did way back then usually for good harvest etc.

    - Rayem2

    1. That's an insanely good idea, and I will not only take it into consideration, I will make it so!

  10. me made Celestialcottage009 Celestialcottage010 Celestialcottage011 and Celestialcottage012

    1. I'll make CelestialCottage013!


  11. sierra
    Shopkeeper, ghost
    Kind of confused but I guess yes?

  12. Is Celestialcottage003 open? Poppy and I like it X3

  13. I want one. Anyone is fine I just want one you can pick.

    1. How about 4? That's my favorite (besides 3, but that's taken)I can edit it to fit your whole household.

  14. What's your family name (last name)? Red/Hayalet
    How many residents? 4
    How many are children? 1
    Jobs? Child(poppy), Warlocks (Oak and Hawk), Father of 3 kids (Shadow)
    What is your social standing? Middle Class
    What are your thoughts on cottages? Awesome and Cool :D

  15. family name: Draco
    residents: 2(1 in the role-play tho)
    children: none
    jobs: warlocks
    social standing: middle
    thoughts on cottages: epicly organized 030

  16. Is it okay if I make a cottage? It would keep me busy for a little while, my dad has 3 e-mails and one he mainly uses, but the cottage accounts probably don't need to require free-chat, right? Well, I'll wait for your response sometime after this comment. ( I'll probably only make one though ) ( Also thanks for liking my festival idea! ) -Rayem2

    1. It's completely fine, actually it'd be great if you made a cottage! They don't need freechat X3

  17. Does anyone notice that CelestialCottage007 isn't even made? .3. -Rayem2

  18. I can talk to Glaze about getting one together

  19. Ahh! So many comments!
    First thing I wanted to say, I have always been wondering if we could switch the royal castle to the princess castle? O3O
    Maybe we could have 2 castles/palaces? I could have the princess castle for the royals to live in, and your castle can be for the dungeon/dining/balls and etc. Is this a good idea? I would love to host the 'housing palace' at my den! :)
    For the survey, I did not watch the video because I am on my phone but I will watch the video in a few minutes on my laptop...
    What's your family name (last name)? Roil

    How many residents? Umm... I'm not sure... Like.. 5?

    How many are children? 3

    Jobs? Royal... 030

    What is your social standing? Royals....

    What are your thoughts on cottages? I like the idea. I will watch the video in a few minutes. I was wondering if you could make a cottage for misty mountains.


    (I will post my thoughts about cottages in reply to this post after I watch the video)

  20. IM GOING TO BE INACTIVE TILL NEXT TUESDAY. (Btw, Willow is nearly dead o-o She needs to be saved or shes as good as gone. Only way to save her is to knock a shock more positive than her negative shock.)

    Survey: ^.^

    What's your family name (last name)? Spirit

    How many residents?2

    How many are children? 0, though Maple acts like one o-o

    Jobs? Warlock (Willow), Baker (Maple)

    What is your social standing? Upper

    What are your thoughts on cottages? Amazing! ^.^

    1. i'd save chu but i can't think of a possitive shock <:,D

  21. Can i own cottage 13?

  22. What's your family name- Hart.
    How many residents- Just me.
    How many are children- None... and not interested in having any.
    Jobs- Healer sage.
    What is your social standing- Middle class
    What are your thoughts on cottages- I have one, my mushroom shack. I think it works really well for my job- I live out in the forest and use herbs.

    1. Cottages continued- but I also think it is a great idea. :)

  23. I hope I'm not too late to answer the survey! D:

    What's your family name? Raito
    How many residents? 2 (Master and Apprentice)
    How many are children? None (Unless you count the childish apprentice)
    Jobs? Warlock Master and Apprentice
    What is your social standing? Upper Class
    What are your thoughts on cottages? Sounds pretty cool ^^

    I'm sorry I've been so inactive. Please read the latest post on my blog, Animal Jam Rant, to learn more. I'll really be inactive until August. I'll try to get online, but it'll be rarely. Sorry, fellow citizens and Queen Peppy. I hope I don't get exiled for it or anything, but I'll be inactive this summer. Thanks for understanding, bye!

    ~Silver Raito, Warlock

  24. Portland is an interesting city. Dennis' daughter lived in Lake Oswego, a suburb, for awhile. She drove us out to Yamhill Valley where so many vineyards and orchards dot the landscape. I wonder if your son got outside of the city. It's a beautiful area.


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