Sunday, May 5, 2013

Daily Morale Boosts! Willow Style! :3

Hello Friends! ^.^

So I am an avid collector of Bella Sara. So much so that I have almost every single card /)3- So what are they doing? :3 Sitting in my closet doing NOTHING =-= Except entertaining me from time to time. I love my cards, so I wish to use them ^-^

So I have decided... I SHALL TELL DAILY FORTUNES WITH THEM! >8D!!! No, these fortunes will not tell your future. They shall just give you a boost in morale ^-^ How shall I tell them, You ask? Here are my steps. First, I make a list of horse cards for today.

1. Horse #1

2. Horse #2

3. Horse #3

4. Horse #4

5. Horse #5

I shall make my own list saying the horses names for today ^-^

1. Bella

2. Thunder

3. Fiona

4. Nike

5. Jewel
You guys won't know my list, 030, as you could figure out your boost! This is JUST AN EXAMPLE.
Now, How to tell the boost? Look at this card:

See the "positive message"? That's your boost. You can read your boost, and hopefully it'll tell you something useful! :D

Now, How to get your fortune? Just select a number of a card in the comments of this post ^.^ I shall update it daily for you to choose from, and put a banner in the Contest Page!

Please don't copy this idea, or do it yourself ;-; It is one of those things I wish to do ^-^ So... Todays fortune!!

There are 5 horses. Choose a number. Come back Daily! Each turn is renewed at sunrise ^.^ No Buts! ;D

  1. Horse #1 [Taken? No.]
  2. Horse #2 [Taken? No.]
  3. Horse #3 [Taken? No.]
  4. Horse #4 [Taken? No.]
  5. Horse #5 [Taken? No.]

There are about 7-10 Bella Sara sets, and since Summer Carnival is SOOO close, I'm using Spring Carnival cards! ;3

Enjoy! ;3 Comment your thoughts and number! I'll reply with your boost! :D

Let your life leave hoofprints on your heart,



    1. Your Boost for today is:

      Pantheon (

      What You Have Learned Inside You Is Always There When You Need It.

      This fortune predicts that a quest needing your all to succeed.

      -Willow Spirit

  2. Nike! :P

    ~Jake sorry I can't login right now its not working >:O

    1. Seeing that Nike is #4, I have chosen #4 for you! ^u^

      Soot & Colm ($(KGrHqEOKpIE0Umlo5j5BNZ8b+od!w~~_35.JPG)

      Love who you are, believe in who you can be.

      This fortune means you may have difficulties with yourself, but don't let it get to you!

      -Willow Spirit

  3. Replies
    1. You got Fiona!

      Be the hero in your own story.

      This fortune means tough times are ahead, and you need to step up and be the hero inside you!

      -Willow Spirit

    2. Well I have a knee injury right before soccer tryouts... Does that count as tough times? >.<

  4. Replies
    1. You got Thunder Carosel Horse!

      I give you courage, Now you can realease your fears.

      Don't let fear get to you! >:D

      -Willow Spirit

  5. Could I have #4 for today? :D


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