Sunday, April 7, 2013

Character limits?

So I was thinking about the kingdom and how many citizens we have. 48! But if you think about it... we probably only have about 40 people as part of the kingdom. or maybe even less then 40. This is because people are in ownership of 2 or more citizens. I think we should make a limit to how many characters you can own. I was thinking 1... but 2 would probably be more realistic. And yes, for those of you who have over 2 characters you will have to choose 2 and delete the others. Im sorry. But this rule isn't official yet. I want you guys to tell me if you think it is a good idea. here are some rules that would apply to it:

1) You can only own 1 or 2 characters. No exceptions.
2) 1 or 2 only. You cant have 4 characters but have 2 of them dead or something. ONLY 1 Or 2!
3) Your two characters cannot be on the same account. Please make a separate account for one of them. (this rule doesn't have to be a rule, I was just thinking about it.)

So tell me if you guys think this is a reasonable idea. Please think it through. Thanks!

Also, peppy, I was wondering if I could also be an admin of the laws page. I would really love to if you would let me be an admin of 2 things. :)


  1. that's a pretty good idea! should we put a limit on how many times we are reincarnated too?

    1. Yeah probably. Maybe we should say 3 times? If you have to be reincarnated more then that its not impossible its just harder... like really hard.

    2. This is exactly what my older post was about XD

      -Willow Spirit

    3. btw I am not snowflake! I heard someone say she was my side -_-

  2. I only have tgwo characters, but I never use Spectra so basically I'm just Erica o3o. Also, thanks for updating the citizens page :D

  3. -.- But ehh, Skyler will die! O: Cuz I need umm uhh, then Shadow's dad.. then his sister O: =-=

    Please 3 :(

  4. I don't think we should limit the number of characters too much, can you maybe think about going up to 4? I mean until things get too out of hand (which they haven't) We should just let ourselves do what we want X3

    1. YAY PEPPY'S RIGHT! XD No offense Violet.

    2. Peppy can I be admin of the rules page?


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