Saturday, April 13, 2013

Magic Mirrors, and Powers

I’ve begun to master the magical mirror in which morphed me into what I am today, in a previous post I’d mentioned the looking glass manipulating my appearances, taking away my covered wings, and making me simple enough to go along with the remodeled castle. This was the mirrors intention, not my own. Although I’ve reentered the vortex on my own time, and have learned not only to hold my complete outfits inside (to avoid future hustle of changing clothes), but I have discovered completely different forms. Some I wish I hadn’t.
Currently, from left to right I’ve discovered 6 different forms, and have stored 6 different outfits.
Please click the picture :)

First of all is my current state, my personality isn’t altered of course, it’s simply myself, luckily the mirror hadn’t done anything to my personality originally.
Second is my uniform for battle, again, my personality is the same, with a few enhancements of power do to the armor.
Third is myself as a simple toddler. Reverting back to my present self from there was almost impossible, while I’m a fan of the youth it isn’t easy getting someone to help you up into a vortex when the only words your able to mouth are, “goo,” and “mama”.  It was pretty tiring, but I’d found a stool to push with my chubby arms after a while.
Fourth is Peter Roil. His knowledge, charisma, etc… are identical to mine, the only difference being gender.
Fifth is NM Peppy, nothing, but a slight change in height, and a bit of power loss there.
Sixth is simple some formal attire I’d put together.
Seventh is my winter gear, nothing really new there.
Seventh is my vacation/tropical event attire.
Eighth is simply what I wear to market, and kingdoms I’d wish to make allies with.
Ninth was a bit odd… Her name is Polly Red… My alter ego… She’s the complete opposite of me. Now you’d expect her to be evil, correct? Well that isn’t entirely true, you see for her to be my polar opposite she can’t have any of my bad qualities, which obviously, I have. Me being a queen, I rule a kingdom a place revolved around keeping peace, and I’m all for calm, quiet evenings. Polly on the other hand is loud, and never listens to reason. She has a rough voice, not at all like my quiet, sing-song voice. Not to mention she cares slim to none about the laws in the kingdom, and she’s a thieving pirate, but she does have some good in her. You see she has great leadership skills, but she isn’t captain of her ship (yet…) and her love of sharp swords, and weapons has lead her to be a great fighter. She’s still me though, we live in one soul, but I’d gotten the upper hand, I’m the one in control. She lives in my mind, only to be released by the magical mirror.
Tenth is myself, my evil self that is. Now, that doesn’t mean it’s the opposite of me, no, no. You see she uses my good qualities as weapons; my voice to deafen people, my plushies to smother people to death, and my acting to trick, and con people. You see she isn’t my opposite, she has all of the same qualities, the only difference is her use of them. She made me realize every good thing in this world can be turned evil just like that, and once the evil strikes it’s hard to go back because you don’t feel any different. Besides the fact that your getting more out of yourself than you thought possible, the terrible things you’re doing  don’t really cross your mind, because your still the same you.
Eleventh is myself at my maximum capacity of power, using all of my alter egos, previous states of life, the souls of my passed relatives, all in one soul that surrounds me. It isn’t easy to get to this state; in fact I’d reached to the back of the mirror. I’m terrified to go back, and I most likely never will unless I’m battling something, or someone that would be impossible to defeat otherwise.
Lastly is me, before the mirror took hold of me, before I knew about any of this, from the origins of Celestial Towers it was me with the mark of the Roil family, the mark of my family. I know I’ve abandoned it, but I know the change was the best, and maybe the mirror knew that all along.
Moving on, I discovered something that might be useful, ghosts have alter egos. The alter egos don’t die, because Polly’s parents were alive… I don’t understand how this works, but I think I’m on to something. Zoey Sierra already discovered the tricks to seeing ghosts, but maybe within the powers of souls we can discover a way to bring them back. I don’t know anything about this, but that gives me more reason to think Polly would, considering she’s my opposite, but I can’t revert to her, she was reluctant to switch back last time,  I had to keep telling myself I didn’t want to last time to make her believe she wanted to, but it wasn’t as simple as that, and I’m not going to go into detail e.e I want to figure this out more than anyone, but if it means for a part of my soul to rule over all, than no. Polly your just a piece of the puzzle, and you know that, I’m sorry I can’t. Even if it would mean bringing back loved ones, it isn’t worth it.
*Oh, yes it is
No -.-
Read Jake's post below! Gaaah! I'm so sorry I keep posting over *facepalm* I'm such an idiot!


  1. " my voice to deafen people"

    When I read that, I immediately thought of Luna and the Royal Canterlot Voice.

  2. my magic mirror is broken it only answers yes and no stuff and it always gives the wrong answer ( always i even asked it if it was a mirror and it said no )


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