Sunday, April 14, 2013

New Layout and Chatroll

Hey guys, you may have noticed the new layout! Pretty neat, huh? I was just wondering if you like it or not. I'd be nice to let your fellow Admins know /)^3^(\

Now, Peppy. You have already addressed Mayamac I assume? I was wondering if you can please once again get rid of guest accounts for a while? Everyone else can jump into another chat roll for Celestial Towers for a small time until this troll decides to not mess with us. Sound good everyone? I think it does.

That is all.

-Erica Grindle


  1. Replies
    1. It's only if Peppy agree's :)

    2. not to be mean but i liked it better before just saying.. also you took away chat roll ):

    3. wait nvm i just remembed theres a page for chat roll

    4. I did not set up the new page. Someone else did. I'm just asking :)

  2. I set up the new layout, and I don't want to remove the guest option from chatroll, it's simple to make another account, therefore MayaMac could just hop on again, even if we did switch chatrolls. I removed the sidebar because there already was a page, and I apologize for notifying the other authors, and admins. I was planning to post on it, but I never got around to. Also considering you posted this only a few minutes after I made the updates I didn't have time to post about it. I didn't make many changes besides the addition of links to a few of the citizens blogs, because I felt they deserved to be featured on the main site so new citizens could get the full experience of Celestial Towers, if anyone wants me to change it back I will gladly ^-^ But I figured I was going to add the emblem a few places once the contest was over, and to do so I'd need to make room, and I thought I'd do it early so when the contest was over I can add it in just a few minutes. I didn't get rid of anything besides the chat sidebar, so I didn't feel the need to notify everyone the second I finished, I apologize for that.

    1. I went on chatroll and right as i came on MayaMac said oh look another B WORD BUT NOT FEMALE DOG :,o Then she said "f (but not f, the rl word like f.. U.. Ya u get it) f f f f f f f f f f f f f f you you idiots! Then ya she said bye guys its sex time, O.O then she said "wahhhh my boyfriend on vaction I can't have se-" ya u get it oh then she said "g2g s-e-x time" o_O Sorry if i wasn't allowed 2 say tht

    2. It's fine, thanks for telling me.

  3. peppy you know you can block words if you can bare to type them into the block thing but you can block words and then whenever they say the word it will be replaced by the star thingie so ya just letting you know that so yes you have to type them into the box but it might be worth it.. just saying :|

    1. PS. my name in role play is rosey kindof makes sense but idk what the last name is but ya you can call me rosey in RP..


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