Friday, April 5, 2013

Prologue of "A Darker Story": Warning: A bit gory.

The collection was many stories, so I have put them together like a puzzle to create one big story and then I cut it up into chapters.

So, here we have the Prologue, changed to third person for your convenience.

Warning: A bit gory. 

More to come, one chapter at a time. I call the story "A Darker Story." It takes place in the Cold Heart Kingdom (a snow leopard kingdom), in the Darker Kingdoms.



The muscular snow leopard stood at the door, lost deep in thought. He was one of the most vicious kings in the whole vicious region of the Darker Kingdoms. His claws and teeth where sharp and bloodstained from countless, brutal, gory wars. His soldiers where tougher than diamonds, and also showed much worse than no mercy, he made sure of it. He would eat the slimy insides of the general of a defeated army to celebrate his victory and show his superiority, enjoying plunging his muzzle in the open belly. The horrible screeches of pain from the torture chamber would lull him to bed at night. He was feared and respected by so many.

He was King Malicis.

Why, then, was he standing nervously at the door of his young daughter’s door, hesitant to barge in?

His beautiful daughter, his only weakness, was mad at him, at it broke his cold, merciless heart. He only wanted her to understand!

Malicis’s eyes felt warm and moist. His fur soon felt wet, and he realized he was sobbing uncontrollably.

“Rose, please, understand…”

He jumped as he heard the soft paw-padding of his cruel guards. Too prideful to be seen as a sobbing ball of fluff, he quickly scampered in the other direction.

“Oh, why did it have to end up this way?” The king lamented. 

End Prologue



  1. You know something?that name is familiar... Oh I know... ;(....He was my land lord before I moved here...My grandad works for him in his court to this day I believe... Ifnitnhasnt been destroyed

    1. Interesting. I would hope he's not the same person, because I've read the entire papers, and he's not so nice (as you can already tell.)

    2. What I meant by "not the same person (or animal, whatever) was that I hope you just had a landlord named Malicis, not King Malicis himself!

  2. "Why'd I kill her Shadow?" Jake's words shook "Why did you kill her Jake?" Blue ran in Jake saw that she must of heard everything cause Shadow didn't shut the door. "I don't know." "Well we're happy to see you!" Shadow smiled and Blue dipped her head. "We better get you home everyone even your mother is worried sick.And you both have something to say about this." "No I can't go back!" "Of course you can" "Are you coming home or not?" "No." "Fine. Then bye." "Please don't tell.""Fine." Part 3! :D part 4 coming tomorrow! :) If I have time.. If any mistakes I will write the good 1 without mistakes later okay bai ^-^

    1. I wrote a whole lot more it took me like 30 minutes then I got rlly mad cuz I had to write less then 4,000 letters :/

  3. I haven't had time to read your story but I just did and your an amazing writer! ;)


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